Winfield Airpark

General Information about
Winfield Airpark
Winfield airpark was the dream of Sam McReynolds, the original developer. Sam started the project by purchasing enough land to build a personal airstrip. After building the strip, he continued to acquire the tracts in the 'Dardenelle subdivision #1' until he had a total of 80 acres. At this point he developed the roads and taxiways, selling a few tracts as he went long.
Sam believed that Winfield was for the "common man". To that end he developed covenants and restrictions for the airpark property that are both basic and "common sense" in nature.
My wife Cathy & I purchased our Tract in December of 1996. With help from Sam and Louie Champeau we put up a 48' x 48' x 12' hangar in the summer of 1999.
Sam passed away in 1999, and left a large void in the hearts of many. I'm pretty sure he's somewhere keeping an eye on the Airstrip.
During the construction of our hangar, I could see Louie was getting interested owning some property at Winfield too!
While visiting Sam's widow, Winnie, we could sense the idea of the airstrip that was named after her was a bit overwhelming. Louie, Cathy, & I came up with a plan to purchase the remaining tracts from Winnie during the summer of 2001, with the purpose of carrying on Sam's dream.
Louie and I were both private pilots from Michigan. Louie owned and flew a 1946 Ercoupe and a 1941 Taylorcraft. Cathy & I had a 1972 Cherokee 140 Cruiser.
Cathy and I retired in 2006, and built our new home. Building a home is a huge undertaking, and consumed much of our spare time.
Louie and Pam built a hangar home on tract 33. He bought a Kit Fox and sold the Ercoupe. They subsequently sold their hangar home and spent most of their time in Michigan and Florida, where he flew his Kitfox and Taylorcraft. After fight with Cancer, he passed away in 2020.
In 2015 I sold 1203T and bought Jim Dehlin’s Comanche 180 5074P. (As a matter of fact, I’ve bought all my airplanes from Jim!)
Currently Cathy & I spend most of our time traveling, and working on projects at Winfield. Summers mean lots of tractor time mowing, and caring for things around here.
Association By-laws
1. Membership
A. A member of the Winfield Airstrip Airstrip Owners Association (hereinafter referred to as the “Association”) shall be defined as any individual(s) or entity owning title to one or more lots of the Dardanelle Corporation subdivision #1 known as Winfield Airpark (hereinafter referred to as “Winfield”).
B. A “Member in Good Standing” shall be defined as any member who is current on Association dues and/or assessments and abides by the by-laws and any rules and regulations of the Association, including but not limited to the subdivision covenants. (“Current” on Association dues shall be defined as not more than thirty (30) days delinquent in the payment of any annual dues or special assessment upon the member’s lot.)
2. Voting rights A. To vote on any motion before the Association, a member must be a “Member in Good Standing”, as defined in paragraph 1(B). B. 1 Lot (tract) = 1 Vote. Should a lot be jointly owned, or have more than one owner, all owners of that lot shall constitute only one (1) vote.
3. Meetings
A. The Association shall meet for its annual meeting in June of each year. B. The Association may call special meetings at any time for matters important to the Association that cannot be discussed and/or voted on at the annual meeting. It shall be the duty of the President of the Association to call a special meeting of the members as directed by resolution or petition of the members.
C. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Association to give notice of each meeting by mail, personal delivery, or some electronic means (i.e. email, telephone, text, or other electronic means), to each owner of record at least fifteen (15) days, but no more than 45 days prior to such meeting, (unless the membership waives the notice by 50% member consent). That notice should 2 state the purpose of the meeting, as well as the time and place where it is to be held.
D. The Treasurer shall prepare a list of members entitled to vote at each meeting and shall verify that those members are “Members in Good Standing”. This list shall be given to the President prior to the meeting being called to order.
E. A “Quorum” of members shall be established by the Association as 50% of the “Members in Good Standing” either by bodily presence, by proxy, or by some electronic means including but not limited to, telephone, internet, or any other means in which the members can participate in real time, the matters before the members in a meeting.
F. The membership shall, at each annual meeting, appoint a president, secretary and treasurer for the next year, and shall define the duties of each position. There shall be no term limits on any position.
G. For general matters before the Association, a simple majority of the quorum represented shall carry a motion to be passed. For matters concerning the assessment of dues or special assessments on a member’s property, a 2/3 vote of the quorum shall be necessary. Changes to the By-Laws shall require a ¾ majority of the quorum. Any matters concerning sanctions against a member for rules violation or conduct construed by the members to be “unbecoming of a member”, a vote of ¾ of the Association membership shall be necessary to pass a motion. In any vote of the members in a meeting, no fewer than 3 members shall constitute a majority for the passing of a motion.
4. Financial
A. The annual budget shall be determined in June of each year at the annual meeting. Unless otherwise voted upon, the fiscal year shall be accepted to be from July 1st of each year to June 30th of the following year.
B. The annual dues shall be determined by the amount needed to maintain a balanced budget and shall be assessed at the annual meeting.
C. 1 Lot (tract) = 1 Assessment
D. The Association shall have the right to assess additional dues for special projects as it deems necessary for the good of the 3 Association and membership, and shall require a 2/3 majority vote as set out in paragraph 3(G) above.
E. Dues and assessments shall be paid within 30 days of the annual meeting or date voted on and assessed, and shall incur a late fee of $10 if not paid within the 30-day time frame. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to notify the delinquent member(s), by mail or electronic means, and assess the late fee.
F. The Association shall have the right to file a lien against the owner of a Winfield lot for delinquent dues and/or special assessments.
5. The Association is responsible for the maintenance of the runway, taxiways, and roadways, and/or any area defined as a “Common” area by the Association.
6. Runway and taxiways are private and for the use of Association Members and guests only.
7. No mailboxes or other structures shall be allowed on taxiways or roadways that could inhibit aircraft traffic.
8. The Association is responsible for the property taxes levied on the runway.
9. Aircraft shall have the right-of-way on taxiways/roadways.
10. No vehicles, other than aircraft or maintenance vehicles shall be allowed on the grass taxiways or runway.
11. Existing drainage flow paths must be maintained by the use of culverts when changing the topography of the land.
12. Standard left-hand traffic patterns will be used at Winfield Airpark (54AR) and CTAF frequency shall be 122.8.
13. It shall be the duty of each owner, as his sole cost and expense, to maintain areas subject to his exclusive control in a neat, sanitary and attractive condition.